Kendra Tanacea, Senior Attorney Mediator

Kendra Tanacea

Kendra Tanacea, a certified mediator since 2007, has mediated numerous cases for Marin County Superior Court’s ADR Program, California Lawyers for the Arts Mediation Services, and San Francisco Office of Citizen Complaints. She received advanced mediation training at Harvard Law School’s Executive Education Mediation Intensive, the U.S. Northern District Court and U.C. Hastings College of the Law (now U.C. College of the Law, SF). During her thirty years of private practice, she litigated and tried employment cases, including race and gender discrimination class actions. She earned a B.A. in English and American Studies from Wellesley College, a J.D. from U.C. Hastings College of the Law, and an MFA in literature and writing from Bennington College.

651 Bannon Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95811
Regional Offices
800-884-1684 (voice), 800-700-2320 (TTY) or
California's Relay Service at 711