Employment Round Tables
The Employment Round Tables were begun in 1983 in partnership with the Civil Rights Department (CRD). The Employment Round Tables are composed of volunteers from businesses, public and private employers, and from labor organizations. Their purpose is to create an awareness of the problems of discrimination, harassment and retaliation in employment. The goal of the Employment Round Tables is to reduce discrimination and promote equal opportunity.
The objectives of the Employment Round Tables are to:
- Enhance communications between the Department and the public.
- Provide forums that promote education, advocacy and understanding of anti-discrimination laws and practices.
- Initiate cooperative programs that preserve civil rights and expand equal opportunity in employment.
The Employment Round Tables provide:
- Seminars and conferences on discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in employment.
- Information on CRD activities.
- Counseling and other assistance to small employers.
- Special projects in response to public educational needs.
- Technical advice and input to CRD on its procedures.

Upcoming Events
Northern California Employment Round Tables
Central California Employment Round Tables
Coming soon
Southern California Employment Round Tables
Coming soon

Join Today
For more information or to participate in their
activities, contact:
- Northern California Employment Round Tables – External Site
- Central California Employment Round Tables
Brenda Grant, District Administrator
Civil Rights Department
brenda.grant@calcivilrights.ca.gov - Southern California Employment Round Tables
Tina Walker, Assistant Deputy Director of Employment
Civil Rights Department