Commission on the State of Hate

About the Commission

The Commission on the State of Hate was established to strengthen California’s efforts to stop hate and promote mutual respect among California’s diverse population. The Commission is charged with the following duties:

  • Publish a rigorous, comprehensive accounting of hate activity in California
  • Engage in fact-finding and research on hate activity
  • Host community forums on the state of hate
  • Provide resources and guidance to communities and government officials on how to effectively reduce and respond to hate activity

The activities of the Commission are open to the public. Subscribe to the Commission’s mailing list below to receive Commission notices and updates about Commission meetings, community forums, and reports.

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Upcoming Events

Click on the Meetings and Agenda button for information on upcoming events. Subscribe to the Commission listserv to receive notices and updates on the Commission.

651 Bannon Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95811
Regional Offices
800-884-1684 (voice), 800-700-2320 (TTY) or
California's Relay Service at 711