CA vs. Hate Resource Line and Network

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t feel safe and I may be in danger. Can you help me?

CA vs. Hate is a non-emergency line. Please call 911 if you are in an emergency situation.

How do I report a hate crime or incident to CA vs. Hate?

Reporting can be done via the via the CA vs. Hate online portal or via telephone with a care coordinator Monday through Friday, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm PST at 1-833-8NO-HATE. If you call outside those times, you can leave a message with a request for a return call. If you choose, you can report directly to law enforcement.

I need to report in a language other than English. Which languages are available?

Amharic, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Hindi, Hmong, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Persian-Farsi, Punjabi, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. If you speak another language, please call the CA vs. Hate Resource Line at 1-833-8NO-HATE, and you can report in over 200 languages.

What is the purpose of CA vs. Hate?

The purpose of CA vs. Hate is to identify options and next steps for individuals and communities targeted for hate and connect them with resources that respect their unique needs. CA vs. Hate will study the information gathered to improve response to hate incidents and hate crimes. The goal is to prevent acts of hate and to provide more resources to persons in impacted communities.

What is the difference between a hate incident and a hate crime?

Hate Incident: A hate incident is a hostile expression or action that may be motivated by bias against another person’s actual or perceived identity(ies). Perpetrators may be motivated by different discriminatory biases, including, but not limited to, bias on the basis of race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender, including gender identity. There are two main kinds of hate incidents – (1) acts of hate that are not crimes but violate civil rights laws, and (2) acts of hate that may not violate the law but still cause significant harm in a community.
For a complete list of protected categories under California civil rights law, please to go to CRD | Civil Rights Department ( For additional information about criminal civil rights law protections, please go to Hate Crimes | State of California - Department of Justice - Office of the Attorney General or United States Department of Justice-Hate Crimes

Hate Crime: Under California law, a hate crime is a criminal act committed, in whole or in part, because of one or more of the following actual or perceived characteristics of the victim: disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation; or because of the person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

How will you collect and use data from this portal?

CA vs. Hate will use the information captured through the portal and network to improve services for people targeted for hate. The Civil Rights Department will also issue regular reports, sharing data about hate incidents and crimes across the state that will not identify individuals targeted for hate or people who report acts of hate. This data will help the Civil Rights Department, other government, and community leaders improve efforts to prevent and respond to hate.

Who can report a hate incident or hate incident?

Anyone can report a hate crime or incident, including the targeted person, a friend or relative, a bystander, etc.

What if the hate incident or hate crime occurred outside of California, can I still report it via CA vs. Hate? Do I have to be a resident of California to report?

Yes, you can still report the hate incident or crime, even if it occurred outside of California. Resources are intended to support California residents regardless of where they are harmed as well as non-California residents who are harmed in our state.

Am I able to report to CA vs. Hate anonymously?

Yes, you may report anonymously, if you choose. Although it is important to note that information reported to CA vs. Hate is confidential, including your name.

Will you share my name or other personally identifiable information if I report?

No. You can report anonymously. Whether or not you report anonymously, your identity will not be disclosed. The only exception to non-disclosure is if a report is made of child abuse, elder abuse, or activities indicating an imminent risk of violence.

Can I still report a hate crime or incident if I don’t know the name(s) of the perpetrator(s)? What if I don’t want to report the name(s) of the perpetrator(s)?

Yes, you can still make a report. The identity of the perpetrator does not have to be known or disclosed.

Will the perpetrator(s) be contacted if I report?

No, the perpetrator will not be contacted.

What if I want support and would like to be connected to resources, but I don’t want to go to law enforcement?

You will still be provided with support and resources.

If I report it to you, am I reporting it to law enforcement?

No, CA vs. Hate is a non-emergency reporting and support line. If you would like to report to law enforcement, we can provide you with information about how to report and give you an understanding of what the criminal legal process might look like.

What types of resources are available?

Resources are provided based on the particular situation of the targeted person. Resources may include mental health services, relocation/shelter, residential security and many other services from local non-profit organizations, trauma recover centers, the California Victim Compensation Board, and other victim service providers. Resources may also include legal resources that may enable you to seek damages or other forms of relief.

After I report a hate crime or incident, what are the next steps?

If you provided an email address when you made the report, you will be provided with general resources in a follow-up email.

What are some common solutions to technical problems people may have while trying to use the portal?

If you experience technical issues while attempting to access the portal, troubleshoot the technical issue by checking your internet connectivity. Also ensure that you have installed the most recent update for your browser so you can access the portal.

If I lose internet connection while using the portal, will my progress be saved or will I have to start over?

If you did not close the page before internet connectivity was lost, you will have to start over. You also have the option to call and report to a care coordinator, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm PST at 1-833-8NO-HATE.

If I use the Quick Escape button while using the portal, will my progress be saved or will I have to start over?

Unfortunately, you will have to start over. However, you have the option to call and report to a care coordinator, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm PST at 1-833-8NO-HATE.

651 Bannon Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95811
Regional Offices
800-884-1684 (voice), 800-700-2320 (TTY) or
California's Relay Service at 711